Want to be informed on everything related to economic news? There are indeed several types of media available to provide all the information necessary for financing. Financial Time is among the most popular. This article teaches you how to make a daily subscription to Financial Time for more economic news. Read to understand better.
Try unlimited
Signing up for a subscription with Financial Time can be done with ease. Adrian Cheng is available to answer all your concerns. Indeed, when you decide to subscribe to a subscription at Financial Time, it offers you an unlimited trial. During this trial period, you are allowed full digital access to Financial Time. By taking advantage of this access, you benefit from all the packages offered by the Financial Time. Whether standard Digital or Premium Digital packages. Also, receive all the world economic news on a daily basis. The different analyzes of the personalities of each country as well as the expert opinions will be sent to you without delay. If you want to change your trial plan, just click on settings and follow the procedure.
What's next at the end of your essay?
When you sign up for a subscription, you should know that the trial won't last forever. Once complete, you have two options. Either you do nothing, or you simply cancel your subscription. For the first option, if you don't respond when your subscription ends, the newspaper will spontaneously enroll you in its premium digital monthly subscription plan. You will be able to maintain your monthly subscription at a rate of 69 dollars per month. If you notice that the costs are less economical, you can always change them in the "Settings and account" section. In addition, you can also maintain your premium subscription and pay annually after the trial. This way you can save 20%. In the event that you wish to opt for the second option, you will simply have to cancel your subscription. To do so, just go to Settings and account and click cancel.